Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO

A special discount fare for round trip flights departing from Hokkaido.

  • Reservation changes
  • e-Ticket
  • Seat availability limited
Conditions of use This fare is applicable in cases where the same passenger age 3 and up, within a period of 30 days starting with the first day of travel as specified in advance, departs from Hokkaido by one flight route and returns to Hokkaido by another flight route. Purchase your round-trip as a "Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO", and pay for it at the same time. Your round trip may consist of differing flight routes.
Reservations Valid from the date specified by AIRDO
You can get on the reservation waitlist by contacting the Reservation and Information Center.
Payment deadline You must pay within 4 days, which include the day of your reservation.
However, if you make your reservation 3 days prior to boarding or later, payment must be made by 20 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.
Change Available. However, you cannot change the route indicated on your airplane ticket. To change the route, we will require you to pay a prescribed processing fee.
Period of validity for flight tickets With a reservation: Valid up until the reserved flight
Without a reservation: Valid on the day issued* and the following 1 year period
Please note that the return flight must take place within 30 days of the outbound departure date.
Furthermore, the ticket is only valid for the reserved flight.
*This is the date on which the credit card payment is made or the date on which the company confirms payment in cash.

A refund must be requested during the airplane ticket's period of validity or within 30 days starting the day after it expires. Click here for more on refund fees and cancellation fees.

  • If you receive a refund for an unboarded flight after flying one-way, the one-way fare for the flight you boarded will apply, and you will receive a refund for the unboarded flight after a prescribed processing fee has been deducted.
  • If you only fly one-way, the one-way fare will apply to the route you board, and you will receive a refund for the flight you do not board after a prescribed processing fee has been deducted.
Remarks The number of seats available on each flight is limited.
 (The AIRDO Special fares might not be established for some periods and flights.)

If the fare amount for the airplane ticket you purchased differs from the fare amount at the time of boarding, the difference will be charged or refunded.
Online reservations and purchases Available.


  1. How does this differ from standard round-trip fares?

    The main differences are shown in the table below.

    Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO Round trip
    Applicable conditions Applicable to round trips with outbound routes departing from Hokkaido and return routes arriving in Hokkaido Applicable to simple return trips on the same route
    Reservations Seat availability limited Seat availability not limited
    Period of validity Airplane tickets are valid for 1 year, but your return flight must take place within 30 days of the outbound departure date for the round trip discount to apply. Airplane tickets are valid for 1 year, and the round trip discount applies throughout the period of validity without restrictions.
    Change • Fares cannot be changed to (or from) fares that allow reservation changes.
    • Flight routes can be changed for a fee.
    • Fares can be changed to (or from) fares that allow reservation changes.
    • Flight routes cannot be changed.
    Changing to ANA flights (endorsement) Not available Available as long as the cost difference is paid.
  2. Can I use this discount even for different outbound and return flights? (For example, flying out from Sapporo to Tokyo, and returning from Tokyo to Asahikawa)
    Yes. If you reserve a Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO that departs from Hokkaido on one route and returns to Hokkaido on another route, the discount will apply.
  3. Is it possible to change the flight route, departure date, and departure flight?
    Yes. There is a prescribed fee you have to pay in order to change the flight route.Furthermore, your departure date and departure flight can be changed to another date and flight on the same route without any fee required as long as it is done prior to the departure of the flight you have reserved. However, if the fare amount for the airplane ticket you purchased differs from the fare amount at the time of boarding, the difference will be charged or refunded.
  4. Can the Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO be combined with a standard round trip fare for an additional discount?
    It cannot be combined for a further discount. Even if it is a round trip flight, you should book your reservation as a Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO.
  5. Is it possible to get a one-way refund for either the outbound flight or the return flight?

    Yes. However, the one-way fare for the flight you take (or have already taken) will apply. Furthermore, if there is a cost difference between that one-way fare and the Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO, you will receive a refund for the flight you don't take once a prescribed refund fee and cancellation fee have been deducted.

  6. Can I use this fare even if I don't live in Hokkaido?
    There are no restrictions based on where you live, so anyone may use it.
  7. After purchasing a fare that allows reservation changes, can I change it to a Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO?
    You cannot.You should go through the process of having the ticket refunded, and then purchase a new Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO.

Promotional Page for Round Trip Fare From HOKKAIDO