「Do Miles Total Points and Claiming」
How do I claim points?
Log in to My Page, and claim your points by clicking "Claim Points". Please enter the boarding date, flight number, and seat number while referring to your boarding ticket. Points can be claimed within 6 months of the afternoon of the day after the boarding date.
If you are unclear about your seat number, log in to the computer site, and make an inquiry from the Claim Points page.
Click here for information on how to claim points.
Related Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between boarding points and bonus points?
- How long are points valid for?
- Can points be added up with another member's?
- I fly with AIRDO several times a year. Are there any benefits?
- When am I awarded my boarding points?
- When exactly can I claim my points?
- Can I earn points from boardings previous to joining My AIRDO?
- I made a reservation other than through My AIRDO. Are the points awarded to me automatically after the flight?
- The flight I was planning to board was canceled, and I changed to another airline's flight. Will those points be awarded to me?